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Summer has arrived. Here are some tips for a healthy summer.

1) Mix it up – A nutritious mixed fruit treat of mangoes, strawberries, papaya can be an amazing reward for your skin. Mangoes help to fight skin ageing and regenerate skin cells and restore the elasticity of skin as it is rich in Beta-carotene. Papaya, a rich source of Vitamin A helps in sun protection.

2) Hydrate your skin – Skin is considered as the largest organ and needs to be kept hydrated all the time. 8 to 12 glasses of water helps to soothe the skin and refreshes it internally.

3) SPF Meal – Proper intake of Vitamin C and Vitamin A can limit sunburn. An ideal SPF meal comprises of salad rich in vitamin C consisting of citrus fruits, berries, tomato and nuts.

4) Sip in Antioxidants – Antioxidants are key for a healthy summer. Revastraol, a naturally occurring phenol found in the skin of red grapes aids in reducing the redness from acute sunburns. Watermelons loaded with antioxidants are rich in water content.

5) Feed your face – You can cut a strawberry into two and keep it across your face, leave it for about two minutes then clean it. This helps you to get the best tone for summer.

6) Protect your glossy locks – It is necessary to protect your locks especially in summers. Constant heat, sun damage can make your hair dull. If you are planning to go for swimming then you must use anti-chlorine shampoo and conditioner.

7) Olive Oil – Olive oil is a healthy fatty acid that protects the skin from sun damage. It helps to retain the moisture in the body that can be lost through heat and sweat during summers. You must consume 1 tablespoon of olive oil daily or add it to your salad.

8) Begin an exercise programme – Aerobic activities are the best for keeping your heart strong and healthy. You can take up outdoor activities like hiking, biking, swimming or tennis.

9) Take care of your legs – Exfoliate, scrub and use a good moisturizer. Always use a sunscreen.

10) Say no to blemishes – Choose your sunscreen wisely to remove your blemishes. You must sleep with a clear face. Remove all your makeup at night which can damage your skin seriously.

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